About The Founder

The Amity incorporation was founded by Dr. Karen Russell a board-certified Internal medicine physician who practiced medicine in the city of Detroit for over 10 years and through this practice I developed a strong passionate relationship with the people of Detroit and have felt very connected to this community.

The flagship division of the Amity corporation is, AMITY INTERNAL MEDICINE With its subsidiary division called Amity Total Body and now it’s newest arm Amity health gives its nonprofit division. Each subsidiary division has a focused goal of enhancing the health of the community With a primary focus of promoting the health of each individual from the inside out.

Our board members and partners are Committed To the city of Detroit and to eradicating The lack of access to fundamental organically grown plant based nutrition.

As a physician through years of my practicing medicine, I have seen that obesity is the number one cause of health disparities leading to high blood pressure, diabetes, and high cholesterol which are major factors contributing to heart attacks and strokes. These diseases plague our underserved communities and are often times preventable. There is a direct link with poor nutrition And its association with poor immunity and several cancers that are prevalent in our communities.

This division is close to my heart because it attacks all of these health disparities literally at its roots! Growing up Jamaican we ate everything fresh and as a result our health flourished. My goal is to provide the same opportunities for the garden to table experience for those who do not have the access, and provide it in such a way that makes it affordable and changes the pallet for freshness Which in time can directly impact their overall health and wellness.

It is also my mission to teach and empower the community members coming to Eden to take charge and control of their food sources And possibly become a producer themselves of their own food source through education that reveals the ease of growing for themselves.

Dr. Karen Russell, MD